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[其它] 绿树蟒产地分类[译]

发表于 2012-4-11 20:57:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本文大部分内容均来自国外网站,因为英文水平有限,中英对照上传,欢迎各种建议。 Aru This is an insular form originating from the Aru islands that lie in the Arafura sea off the coast of Indonesia. Typical characteristics are a deep green color with small white scales that can form a complete line on there back, all pure arus have sky blue ventrals and sometimes blue spots scattered randomly over there entire body and a blunt tail. Clutch size has ranged from 14 to 27 eggs, all babys that i hatched have been yellow until now. Some aru's are sometimes misidentified as merauke animals because of the dorsal white line, this however is not a feature by which the two localities can be identified as both can have a full, partial or absence of the white dorsal line. These animals have a very calm disposition. 阿鲁岛绿树蟒是离岛绿树蟒的一种,产地位于印度尼西亚的阿拉佛拉海沿岸的群岛内。此类比较典型的特征是体表深绿色并有白色的小鳞片分布于背部,有些个体的白色鳞片会形成一条完成的线,有些个体腹部会有天蓝色的斑点及鳞片一直会延伸到尾巴。每次产卵数量由14到27个不等,目前发现的所有幼体都呈黄色。因为背部的白色鳞片组成的直线,经常会有阿鲁岛绿树蟒被误认为是马老奇绿树蟒的事,不能以此特征来分辨这两个产地的绿树蟒,因为这两个地点,都会存在大面积白色鳞片的个体、部分白色鳞片的个体及没有白色鳞片的个体。阿鲁岛的绿树蟒是相对比较温顺的品种。

Sorong/Jayapura Originating from vogelkop peninsula in Irian Jaya these bright green animals have a blue dorsal line with blue triangles some animals even have white scales scattered along the blue line and are sometimes mistaken for Aru because of this. A varieing amount of blue spots are usually scattered over the body and the tail is pointy with a black tip. Most specimens are calm and will rarely try to bite. 佛吉克普半岛源于伊里安查亚,这个产地的绿树蟒的体色是明亮的绿色,同时背部会有蓝色背线及蓝色三角形的花纹组合。有些个体会有白色鳞片沿蓝线分布,因此会被误解成是阿鲁岛绿树蟒。一些蓝色的斑点通常分散在身体及黑色尾尖上。大部分个体相对温顺,很少咬人。

Wamena This is a highland form that is very rare in captive collections. founder stock came mainly from karubaga which is close to the town wamena situated in the baliem valley. Typical for these animals is a slightly darkgreen body color and a blue line with triangular shaped saddles along there back. These saddles have a blue line around them the inside is of a darker green color than the body and can have a few white to yellow scales in it, The tail ends sharp and has no black tip but is green colored.Babys have mostly a very darkred to darkbrown color with bright white to yellowish saddles and a white tailend, yellow babys are more rare.Most of these animals have a calm disposition some however do not. 这个品种是一种非常少见的高原绿树蟒。首次发现在karubaga靠近瓦梅纳的baliem谷。这个品种有一个纤细的身体和蓝色直线,同时有三角形的斑纹。这些三角形的蓝色斑纹被蓝线贯穿,覆盖在他们深绿色的的身体上。它们会有少量的白色和黄色鳞片,尾巴末端尖锐,没有黑尖但是很绿。幼体大多数都是深棕色的颜色,很明显的白色和淡黄的花纹连接到尾端,黄色的个体非常少见。他们多数比较温顺,但是有些很暴躁。

Lereh This is another highland localitie, founder stock originated from the Waruta valley near Lereh. Deep green in color with a beautiful thick blue line running along there back, the triangles along the line are shaped like droplets and have darkgreen spots inside, frequently with a lot of blue spots covering the body and white scale randomly scattered over there back. The tail is uniformly green colored. I have seen animals from the same locality that were dark green and had more blue/greyish markings. Bright yellow juveniles are more commonly born than red ones. These highland animals are very rare and infrequently bred in captivity they are regarded as the prettiest locality around. Some confusion may occur when animals are referred to as "highland animals" as this often refers to Wamena, this locality is totally different from Lereh. 这是一种本岛高原绿树蟒,发现于lereh的waruta河谷附近。深绿色的体色与厚厚的蓝线沿背部展现,蓝线上间隔像水滴一样的三角形形状。大部分个体体表有很多蓝色的斑点覆盖同时还有白色的鳞片随机分布在全身。这种产地的绿树蟒尾巴是匀称的绿色。目前发现同一地点的绿树蟒多为暗绿色,有很多蓝色和灰色斑纹。黄色的幼体比红色幼体更常见。这些高原品种非常罕见,很少在饲养环境下见到它们美丽的样子。当此品种被称为“高原动物”的时候,很容易与瓦梅纳混淆,瓦梅纳完全不同于lereh。

Merauke This is probably one of the most sought after localities today, named after the town merauke but actually coming from a locality more inland. These are beautiful bright green animals with often a fully connected white dorsal stripe of white scales, the amount of striping present can differ in each individual and animals without the striping do occur. On first glance this locality resembles ARU but on closer examination they differ substantially, whereas aru has a blunt tail merauke have a pointed tail and always have a yellow belly where the belly pattern in aru is blue or has a substantial amount of blue, they do however very closely resemble specimens coming from Cape York (Australia). 这个品种是以今天最著名的地点,马老奇命名。但实际上,这个品种更靠近马老奇内陆。这些美丽的亮绿色绿树蟒通常后背会有白色鳞片组成的白色直线,每一条的样子都大不相同,也会有没有白线的个体。第一眼看上去,此品种与阿鲁很像,但是仔细检查后会发现很大的不同,阿鲁岛绿树蟒的尾巴是钝的,而马老奇是尖尾,而且他们的腹部是黄色的,而阿鲁是蓝色的并且很多。约克郡(澳大利亚)的品种,他们也很相似。

This is a newly found form of green tree python.  It is reportedly from the island of Kofiau which is part of the Boo Islands.  It is situated north of Misool Island off the western coast of Papua.  According to reports, some of these specimens retain the yellow color throughout their lives.  In our experience some do develop a few green scales scattered over the body and some develop a light green "wash" over the entire body.  These typically have bright yellow eyes and some animals develop lavender dorsal and tail markings. The throat and ventral scales of the neck also display yellow coloration.  Scattered white scales can also be found on some individuals.  Only time will tell if these incredible looking snakes actually retain these bright yellow colors throughout adulthood.  We have acquired a small group of these unique animals and hope to be producing offspring in 2006.

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