
楼主 |
发表于 2007-6-11 21:24:12
http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/ 这是英语原文的网址。
其中一段估计对大家有点帮助:In most cases, the amount of damage done by defective pet food depends upon how much of the food the animal ate. Pay attention if your dog is reluctant to eat, refuses his food, or becomes ill, and stop feeding that type of food.
“An Open Secret” in China
On April 30, the broke the story wide open. Reporters for the paper visited chemical plants in northeast China that make melamine from coal – and sell it to companies that manufacture plant-based proteins.
The reporters also spoke to two animal feed producers who told them that the use of melamine in plant-protein products is common in China. Inclusion of the product in small amounts “fools” the tests used to determine the protein content in the ingredient, making it appear that the protein levels are greater than they actually are; the higher the protein, the higher its value, and the higher its profits.
大意:这份报告也提到两种在中国广泛销售的宠物食品中使用了三聚青安。其中包含一部分用来愚弄检测蛋白质含量的检查。使之看上去比实际蛋白质含量高。蛋白质含量越高,价值就越高,同时利润也就越高。(这中间翻译的时候有一些随意,但是大意估计没有变化。但是他没有提到这两种狗粮到底是什么。) |