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A party for killing cats in Christmas
is going on...
全国的猫扑网友们以及所有善良的人们,大家好! 12 月是个开心的月份,十多天以后的圣诞节,还有新年元旦,以及春节,都已越来越近。可是,就在这个到处洋溢着欢乐祥和的时候,一群恶魔向我们发起了良知宣战!事情简述: Hi guys, it's a joyful time as Christmas and Spring Festival coming. However, some demons are going to challenge human consciences!
虐杀猫咪 -- 花生的恶魔!!猫天使!!他的残忍、嚣张引起了网络上一阵人肉风波,大家的良善底线被碰触,我们的心都在滴血 … 可是,由于参与的网友众多,大家不能面对面探讨,网络的不真实性和不信任性,让很多信息不对称,线索来源无处追踪,导致最后无果而终。无奈的我们希望此事能随着花生的冤死而终结,希望猫天使能有一天良心发现,放下屠刀。
Kill cats with maltreatment-- "peanuts"(one lovely homeless cat) vs "cats angel"(the killer). The killer is extremely cruel and rampant, that stimulate other conscientious people "googling him". Everybody felt so pain and angry. But cause of information asymmetry and the "untrustful web story", this mission went fail. We can only hope the "cats angel" can save his own humanity by Peanuts' death.
2011 年 12 月 1 号!!猫天使复出,令我们吃惊和心痛的事还是发生了,时隔半年, 12 月 1 号,全国艾滋病日当天,猫天使再次用 ID: 两只黄鹂
发布了虐杀帖子:他又虐杀了一只 2 岁左右的男黄鹂猫 — 辛巴!
血腥残忍到极致的手段 + 细致的文字描写,让我们再一次绝望!
以下为虐杀图片: Dec.1st.2011, Cats Angel appeared again with posting photos of killing one 2years-old-male cat "Simba" by his old ID: Two Orioles. We are shocked and despaired by those sanguinary photos and describe in details. 12 月 4 号,网上爆出 “ 虐杀猫咪群 ” 群号: 176462696 创建人号 849723062 几位网友混进群里,希望得到些许线索。
首先:我们发现猫天使的 QQ : 670188022 真的在群里!那么之前他的 QQ 签名如何解释!! Dec.4th. 2011, a "killing cats group" QQ number was exposed by net friends: 176462696, the owner of this group number is 849723062, several anti-killing animals friend sneak into this group number, try to find something.
群主一直在说:成为群里正式成员的考核办法,视频一对一,现场宰杀两只猫,一大一小,一只直接剖腹,一只挖掉双眼!!!! … .. Animal protection volunteers have seen plenty of bloody photos and the information about "how to maltreat and kill cats". The owner of the group emphasized many times : to be a part of the group, you have to kill two cats by cam on live, one big cat should be cut apart in the stomach; the other small one should be taken the both eyes!
They even talked about how to "adopt" homeless cats from the groups of protecting homeless dogs and cats. Furthermore, these demons even "study" how to cheat on the identification register .
12 月 5 号晚上,有人在微博意外的将群号公布,导致虐猫群成员听到风声,并在群里更加猖狂的讨论怎样将这些动保人士慢慢玩死! On the evening of Dec.25th, somebody announced the QQ group number accidentally, which informed the members of “killing cats”, and they made a hot discussion through the QQ group with a purpose of fighting against these animal protectors. 相信大家都不陌生,她就是传说中的高跟鞋教主!据她在群里所言,一个月虐杀死 100 只猫不是问题!
她有各种武器道具,并将自己发明的虐猫手法分享在群里。 It is not strange to us that she is the High-heel Hierarch. According to her words, it is so easy to kill more than 100 cats within one month, she has varieties of tools, and is keen on exposing many self-inventing ways of abusing cats in the QQ group.
6 号开始群主很少再发言,直到 10 号突然出现,签名和说明公然写着:他们要在这个圣诞节的平安夜,为全国人民献上大礼!组织一次大规模的虐猫狂欢! 还有! 要各成员搜索动保人员的照片和 ID , 用作他们自己的头像,以此来污蔑动保!! From Dec.6th, the master of the group seldom spoke. It was on Dec.10th that her personal note read: let ’ s have a Christmas Eve party and present a nice gift which is actually a large-scale abusing cat revelry. What's more, they plan to use some animal protectors ’ photos and ID as disguise in order to slander real animal protectors. 我们不能再次沉默,我们不能再妥协!我们不能再允许他们如此嚣张的向全国良善的人们挑战!!这不再是限于虐杀猫咪的事件!这些人活生生的生存在我们的身边,或许我们曾无数次擦肩而过!试想,这种心理极度扭曲,嗜杀成性的人,分布在各个行业,各个领域,他们会不会有一天做出伤害人的行为!!!大家害怕吗?大家愤怒吗?难道我们这么多有良好教育,有基本道德品质的人,眼睁睁的看着他们如此践踏生命!如此蓦然网络秩序!如此在平安夜献上虐杀大礼!!!! 看看那一只只无辜的猫咪吧,它们做错了什么,就算没有家,没有遮风挡雨的屋檐,没有顿顿饱餐,还要时刻提防着人类的捕捉和残弑!!它们怎么能承受?我们怎么又怎能忍受他们一次一次挑战我们的良知和道德底线!! 让我们呼吁,小动物保护法尽快出台,让这些无耻的人得到他们应有的惩罚。 We should never keep silent! There is no way to come to term! We will no longer let them challenge with kind people all over the country in such a rampant way!! This is not only confined to the event of cat abusing, but these people are living with us nearby or just passing by. Imagine that such hard-core psychopaths and cruel killers are distributing on different trades and fields, will they kill humans some day? Are you angry or afraid? We obtain good education and abide by ethics, how can we turn a blind eye to what they do and connive at the missequence of the net and allowing them to put on a killing party at Christmas Eve? Think about these innocent cats, they do nothing wrong. Although they have no home no food, even nothing to rely on, they have to defend being caught by humans. How can they bear so many afflictions? How can we endure the threat to ethics and conscious. Let’s call for Law on the Protection of Small Animals and punish these contemptible
abusers for what they did. |