


·¢±íÓÚ 2011-5-20 18:46:24 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Ö§³Ö£¡ ËãÎÒÒ»¸ö£¡   Ò»Æð³éËû£¡
·¢±íÓÚ 2011-6-5 21:03:22 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
May your dog die than the still miserably don't understand why did you bring your vomiting face in front of the camera, you also want to hype oh that you should also and FengJie learn IQ in to find spray? Since we can save the dog we'll also raising funds to buy you hand China butcher raising funds on millions newbier don't come here it is my husband let me give you a few words of the {it is said that he is doctoral so far I have not seen positive} : dr elder brothers! Wanna be famous? You mean road elder brothers to the extreme route without photos of so ugly sent up is you? You don't JiaHuoYuRen my hand you chop the wrong in our sister lotus tried to rush to do a lotus's brother-in-law the name of this fast than a next you answered the elder brothers admire you those welfare lottery welfare funds are doing is stem what of the national finance fund has a Chinese size is save the dog the person it? Have you dog countless let no culture if you can find FengJie but if you want to ask my brother-in-law agree or not eat dog meat don't forget ` migrant brothers you don't want to save? You save fake-out? You put your donation single out with you on sunned I light I bright and you didn't save you pack your mama force everybody BBS friend don't blame my mouth to his coarse I this person I'm patience
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