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[原文:veronakiss]  2007-09-24, 10:40 PM 因为很想念自己走丢的猫咪,所以经常也在神经质的想她是不是也会想我?于是在雅虎上查找猫咪记忆力有多久的答案,看到了这篇文章,泪如雨下。:icon_cry:

Many years ago I adopted two kittens a couple of months apart. We named them Sissy and Myron. They were very close, and when one was missing the other was frantic.

Sissy used to climb up into a hole which led to a space beneath the rafters from under the basement stairs. The hole was too small for Myron, so he used to sit below the hole for hours on the floor, crying, until she came out and joined him again. Sissy died at the age of five of a congenital illness.

For days Myron wandered the house, sat below the stairs, crying for her. Then he seemed to forget. We got other cats for him to be with. Life moved on.

Twelve years later, I heard Myron crying below that little hole. He hadn\'t done that since Sissy died. I went down there to get him, and he just gazed at me, crying. I picked him up and took him back upstairs, shutting the door behind me.

He sat at the shut door for the rest of the day. Just sat there, sniffing at the bottom of the door, or hitting the door knob trying to get back into the basement. The next day he was very weak. He died a few days later of kidney disease which we had been treating him for for about two years.

In my experience, cats can remember for a lifetime.
  [呜呜翻译的]   维罗纳之吻 (撰稿于)2007-09-24 10点40分 下午 Because very yearn towards since my cat losed,(So可以不要) often unstrung thinks(时态忘记了) It(or he\she?) miss me too ? So resort to “Yahoo”, Hoped finds about Cat is memory has a try;图标:哭   很多年前,我收养了2只2个月大就离开了母猫的小猫,给他们取名“Sissy and Myron”。他们很亲人,其中一个少见地活跃;   Sissy习惯于爬进通往地下室的楼梯间中有空隙的洞里,对于Myron来说洞太小,所以他经常坐在洞口叫几个小时,直到Sissy再次出来,Sissy在5岁的时候因为先天的疾病去世了;   Myron在以后的日子中,还漫步在房子中那个楼梯下的小洞叫喊着Sissy,它似乎忘记了(Sissy的死亡),我们(抱养了)另外一只猫陪伴它一生中剩下的岁月;   12年中,我(还是)听到Myron在小洞前叫喊,它(的记忆力)停留在Sissy的去世的之前,我蹲下使它平静,他盯着我继续叫,我抱起它离开那里并上楼并关上门,他坐在门后;   他坐在关闭上的门后几天,只是坐在那里嗅问的底部,或者挠门的把手设法开门去地下室;一天一天地过去,他日渐消瘦,几天后它因肾疾病死去,我们只养了他2年;   在我的经验,猫的记忆力是终生的;
[我在呜呜译文基础上的翻译] 很多年前,我收养了两只才2个月大就离开了母猫的小猫,给他们取名“Sissy' and 'Myron”。他们很亲密,其中一个要是不见了另外一只就会抓狂;   Sissy习惯于爬进通往地下室的楼梯间中有空隙的洞里,对于Myron来说洞太小,所以他经常坐在洞口叫几个小时,直到Sissy再次出来和他一起玩。Sissy在5岁的时候就因为先天的疾病去世了;   接下来好几天,Myron都徘徊在在房子里,在那个楼梯下的小洞叫喊着Sissy。后来,它似乎忘记了(Sissy的死亡),我们(抱养了)另外一只猫给它做伴。日子就这样一天天过去。   12年后,我突然听到Myron在小洞前叫喊,自从Sissy死后他都没有这样过了。我跑到楼下找到了它,它盯着我,一直叫。我抱起它带它到楼上,随手关上门。   那之后他一直坐在那里嗅门的底部,或者挠门的把手设法开门去地下室;第二天我突然发现他好消瘦;几天后它因肾疾病死去,它的肾病我们一直治疗了2年。   在我的经验,猫的记忆力是终生的。    
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