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关于沙皮狗的皮肤问题 一直都是我非常苦恼的事情 我家嘟嘟的皮肤在她2个月的时候就出现了红疹 用一些喷剂喷了以后时好时坏 3个月的时候我们开始带嘟嘟出门散步 这花花草草一接触 皮肤病就更加一发不可收拾了 带她去医院连续打了3次针 镇住了 但是没出一个星期 红疹就又回来了 经常看到嘟嘟不停地用脚抓痒 皮肤都抓破了 我上网查了很多的偏方 但都没有什么用 无意中看到香有人写的一篇文章 其中提到了皮肤问题的防治:“As to the skin problem, it is worth mention that I used to use Chinese tea to wash my dogs regularly and skins problem could be prevented. I also believe that the diet of the dogs in the West could have also caused skin problems. An old friend of mine, Miss. Collettt, who was a famous breeder of Chow told me that it was also once a problem of the Chow when more meat was given to it's diet. We must understand dogs in the past have never really been loved in China, how could the dogs be fed with regular meat or change itself to a Western diet which Sharpei was originally unaccustomed to. For the dogs in China, to be fed with fish, would have made the dog's day. I remembered that most of the Sharpei owners that I knew then, preferred to give their dogs fish.”
根据文章的意思 我尝试着用茶叶泡过的水给嘟嘟擦身 并且开始将它的饮用水与普洱茶兑冲变成稀释的普洱茶 结果效果十分明显 2天后她肚子上遍布的红疹有明显消退的痕迹 1个星期后皮肤已经完全没有红疹的踪影了 我坚持了2个星期 而嘟嘟的红疹再没有出现 用脚抓痒的情况也减少了很多很多
改天我会再拍一些嘟嘟的照片 之前的5个月的留念照-"嘟嘟5个月了"因为近距离拍摄的原因 可以很明显地看到身上的红斑 而现在即使很仔细地检查 也不太容易找到红斑
把这个信息分享给大家 希望大家的宝贝狗狗都会健健康康的~