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[饲养常识] 柯利学堂系列之二--配色遗传

发表于 2007-12-21 16:43:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本文由美国Pennylane Collies犬舍主人Peggy Melton授权转载并翻译. 谢绝转贴.

Color Inheritance


This is also an explanation for beginners on how the color is inherited in both the Smooth and the Rough Collie....there is no difference..aren't you glad you don't have to learn it twice !!

同样的这也是为了新手而写的关于平毛和粗毛柯利配色遗传的文章...两者在这方面没有任何区别...不用为此学两遍,开心吧? !!

The basic color of a Collie is Sable. The white patterns on all Collies vary, but it is usually white on the paws, the tip of the tail, the mane or ruff, and sometimes on the face. This is also inherited in some degree the same in all colors. (We'll get to white and white factor later.)

柯利的基本色是貂色. 身上白色花纹的分布因狗而异,但是一般都呈现在脚爪,尾尖,胸口的鬃毛或者是脖子上,有时候也会出现在脸上.这些花纹在一定程度上和遗传有关系,就像其他配色那样.(我们将在稍后讨论下白色和白色因子)

Sables come two ways:


1. Pure for sable. This is a product of two sable parents and carries no tri-color gene at all. Usually a light or orange sable. This dog can only produce sables no matter what you breed it to. Go back to the main page and look at Oak Knolls Pennylane Gold...he is pure for sable and is a rich orange color

1 纯貂色. 一般来说,是两只貂色繁殖的产物,纯貂色是没有任何三色基因的. 通常看上去是浅貂色或者是暗橙色. 这样的狗只能繁殖出貂色,不管它的配偶是什么颜色. 你们可以去主页看Oak Knolls Pennylane Gold这只狗...他就是纯貂色,颜色看上去带点橙色.

2. Tri-factored sable. This is also known as a shaded sable, mahogany sable, or black-tipped sable. These are just a few of the ways I have heard them described but the only correct way is ..tri-factored. These are the rich reds with the black overlay and the dark face mask. They can also be very bland in varies. A tri-factored sable can produce sables and tris depending on what it is bred to as it carries a tri gene. Again on the main page you will see CH. Twin Oaks Pennylane N' Pursuit...he is a tri-factored sable.

2 带三色因子的貂色. 通常也被称为深貂色, 紫貂色,或者是黑毛貂色. 这是我所知道的叫法的其中几个,但是这种颜色唯一正确的名字是...带三色因子的貂色. 这样的貂色颜色偏红,全身杂有黑色的背毛,并且脸上会有美人尖(原文直译黑色面具). 但有时候这样的黑色部分也许并不明显...当然,因狗而异. 带三色因子的貂色可以繁殖貂色和三色, 取决于配偶是否携带三色基因.同样的,在主页的CH. Twin Oaks Pennylane N' Pursuit...就是一只带三色因子的貂色.

Tri-colored only comes one way. Sheesh..aren't you glad.

This is the black Collie with the tan points. It has a black body that varies in depth of color. It again can produce sables or tris depending on what you breed to. It can be carried as a recessive just like the sable..and this would be your tri-factored sable. TA DA...again on the main page look up Pennylane At Midnight. A classic Tri-colored Collie.

三色就是有着棕色花纹的黑色柯利.三色柯利身上的黑色被毛深度不一,但总体来说,都是黑色. 三色同样也可以繁殖貂色和三色, 同样取决于配偶的基因. 三色基因是隐性基因,相对于貂色来说,所以,会有携带三色因子的貂色(但是绝对不会有携带貂色因子的三色!). 差不多了,再次回主页看Pennylane At Midnight,一只典型的三色柯利.

Blue Merle and/or Sable Merle. This is perhaps the most misunderstood gene of all, but it is really very simple. A merle is a tri-colored dog or a sable-colored dog with a dominant dilution gene and the dominant dilution gene is what makes it become a merle. IT IS NOT RECESSIVE. IF IT IS PRESENT..THE DOG IS A MERLE . Think of it more as a condition than a color. There is no way to get a merle unless you breed to a merle. You can think if it being inherited independently of color. A Blue Merle is a tri-colored dog with a dominant dilution gene. A Sable Merle is a sable-colored dog with a dominant dilution gene. simple. From the main page you can look at CH. Pennylane's Checkmate. She is a typical blue merle.

蓝云石/红云石. 这可能让人误解最多的基因了,但实际上很简单. 云石就是被显性的稀释基因稀释了的三色,或者是貂色.云石基因是显性的,如果带有云石基因,狗就一定是云石色. 云石因子不仅仅是配色那么简单. 除了和云石柯利繁殖,没有别的方法可以繁殖出云石来. 它是独立于配色遗传之外的基因遗传. 蓝云石其实就是被显性稀释基因稀释了的三色. 红云石就是被显性稀释基因稀释了的貂色.  看,其实很简单. 在主页上的CH. Pennylane's Checkmate就是一只典型的蓝云石.

White. The white gene is also carried independently of color. Now pay attention. White in the Collie is not so much as a color as a condition just like the dilution gene we just went over. The white Collie does come with a color that is inherited just like a non-white collie. In the white though, the only place you usually see the color is on the head and maybe a body spot or two. That is why they are called...a sable-headed white, a tri-headed white..and so on. The white means that they inherited the white gene and can produce a white.

白色. 白色基因同样也独立于配色基因之外. 现在,请注意. 柯利的白色因子并不像我们之前所说过的显性稀释基因那样作用. 白色柯利的配色遗传和普通的柯利一模一样,只不过由于白色因子的关系,这些配色只呈现在头部或者身上的局部.所以,他们也被称为貂色头的白色,三色头的白色,等等.一只白色柯利只是说他们遗传到了白色的基因,并且能繁殖白色的下一代.



White Collies can only be produced when bred to another White Collie, or to a white-factored Collie. A white-factor is a dog that carries the white gene, but is not white itself. It can usually be detected by the large white collar and the unique marking on the back leg. The white extends in an unbroken line all the way up the inside of the back leg and is visible by looking at the dog from the side. If you want to see a perfect example, go back to the main Pennylane page and look at Twin Creeks Deja Vu. A white-factored Collie I had the pleasure to own until he passed away at age 11.

繁殖白色柯利只有和白色柯利交配,或者是携带白色因子的柯利. 携带白色基因的柯利有白色基因,但本身不是白色的. 这样的柯利通常带有超大围脖或者白色的大腿. 大腿内侧是一大片连贯的白色,而且从侧面看起来显而易见. 如果要看例子,Twin Creeks Deja Vu就是这样的柯利, 一只携带白色因子的柯利,对于能拥有他我十分满意, 直到他十一岁终老.

White Collies are healthy. What I mean here is that the White gene itself does not affect the health. This is not to be confused with a Double Dilute white Collie which can have health problems and are often born without eyes or deaf. They also suffer from internal problems such as liver and kidney problems and if they live through the first few weeks, usually die at an early age because of the internal problems. There have been many Double Dilutes that have been grown out and lived long and productive lives, but this is the exception. If bred, it can only produce a Merle. The Double Dilute can only occur when two Merles are bred together and that offspring inherites a Dominant dilution gene from each parent..thus the Double Dilute.

白色柯利都是健康的柯利.我想说的是,白色基因对健康没有任何影响. 不要把白色基因和双云石稀释基因混淆,后者通常会让小狗生下来没有眼睛或者先天耳聋. 双云石稀释产生的白色小狗,通常还有内脏问题,他们的肝脏和肾脏都会不正常,就算他们能活过最初的几周,也不会长命. 有些双云石稀释狗也会正常的长大,长命,甚至繁殖,但是只不过是侥幸而已. 双云石稀释的狗只会繁殖云石,因为他是由两只云石繁殖而来的,有两个显性的云石基因,所以称为双云石.

I would suggest anyone serious about learning more on the Collie Color inheritance patterns get the book, "COLLIE CONCEPT" by Bobbie Roos. It was published by Alpine Publications in 1988 and can be order from your bookstore or on the net.

我建议如果大家对柯利的配色遗传非常有兴趣并且想深入研究的话,可以去购买 BOBBIE ROOS写的 <COLLIE CONCEPT>. 由Alpine Publications 于1988年出版,可以在书店或者网上预定

                                                                                    translate by Phoebe




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