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宠物美容是我们社会的共同做法。 People don't even think twice of spending hundreds of dollars having their pets groomed and bathed by a pet grooming professional.人们甚至不认为有两次他们的宠物培养了数百美元的开支,并以培养专业的宠物洗澡。 It is such a common connivance that many people forget the history of what made this profession what it is.它是这样一个共同的纵容下,许多人忘记了是什么使这个行业是什么历史。 If you look at the paintings of the Elizabethan era you will see pets portrayed in paintings that are well groomed and clean.如果你看看在伊丽莎白时代的画你会看到宠物画是很好的培养和干净的描绘。 Who did the grooming?谁做了梳理? Was grooming a pet an actual profession back then?宠物美容是一个实际的专业回来呢? Was the local barber responsible for pet care as well as cutting hair and medical responsibilities?是当地的理发师为负责照顾宠物,以及理发,医疗责任呢? At the local Lord or Lady have their hair cut alongside their pet There are actually paintings from that era that depict a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies lap.在地方有其主或夫人他们的宠物一起剪头发其实有从那个时代的描绘,画一只狗被剪切而在女士们坐在一圈。
As breeds became popular in the 17th century, poodles inFrance received recognition for being the dog of the court.作为品种成为17世纪流行,贵宾犬inFrance收到被法院的狗的承认。 This entry also records that professional grooming parlors were open for dogs.这个项目中也记载,专业美容店的人对狗开放。 In 1879 Shaw wrote a book called The Book of the Dog.在1879年写了一本名为肖狗的书。 This book made references concerning dog grooming in England and gave helpful hints of how to clean, groom, and keep your dog healthy.这本书提到了有关在英国狗了如何培养和清洁,培养有用的提示,并保持您的狗的健康。
As animals became more a part of society, pets and work animals became more important dictated on how they looked..由于动物成为更多的是社会的一部分,宠物和动物的工作变得更加重要支配他们如何看.. The animals were groomed, either by their owners or professional pet groomers.扶植的动物,无论是由业主或专业宠物美容师。 Animals such as horses were groomed by stable boys or their owners as a kind of the embellishing of the owners taste and wealth.如马以稳定的男孩或作为业主的品味和财富,而他们的业主美化扶植动物。 As animal labor was replaced by automobiles and machines, the grooming of the animal took on a more personal reflection of the owner, particularly in high society.由于动物的劳动是由汽车和机器代替,培养了对动物的主人,更个性化的反映,特别是在上流社会。 A well groomed and clean animal was a sign of wealth and prosperity.一个良好的培养和干净的动物是一种财富和繁荣的标志。
In today's perception of pet grooming, the animal is considered part of the family or something to show as a source of pride.在今天的宠物美容的看法,动物被认为是家庭或东西展现作为一部分感到自豪。 Organizations such as 4H incorporate pet grooming into their program so that not only the health of the animals is displayed but also the owner's attention to the animal.组织整合,如4小时到其方案的宠物美容,这样不仅对动物的健康,也显示了主人的注意动物。 Special events are organized to present current animal grooming techniques and the products of the pet grooming industry.特别活动的组织培养技术,目前现有的动物和宠物美容行业的产品。 Horses and other livestock are adorned during parades and rodeos making the animals a showpiece to the event.马和其他牲畜上,装饰在游行和牛仔竞技表演使动物的展示品的事件。 There are even pet grooming conventions that meet periodically around the United States and the world to present the newest techniques and equipment used in the pet grooming industry.甚至有宠物美容公约的定期会晤,围绕美国和世界目前最新的技术和宠物美容行业使用的设备。
There are thousands of web pages dedicated to the art and fashion of grooming and as with many long-standing professions a rich history of pet grooming dictates pride and self achievement in the professional.有专门的艺术和培养,并与许多长期专业的宠物美容丰富的历史支配的职业的自豪感和自我实现的方式成千上万的网页。 So next time you visit your local pet grooming expert, remember that they are not just a service, but they have been backed with centuries of expertise, refinement, and dedication to the art.因此,下一次你访问你的本地宠物美容专家,记住,他们不只是一个服务,但他们已与专业,求精世纪的支持,并献身于艺术。 The next time you drop off your animal to a pet grooming expert, remember your animal will be taken care of with pride and integrity.下一次你落你的动物宠物美容专家,请记住你的动物会被自豪和完整的照顾。
第一 由于人类文明的兴起,动物是生产必不可少的劳动支配,因此生产劳作(农林牧渔业)决定了宠物美容业的兴起。例如牧畜犬类以及猎犬类的美容护理。
第二 自然法则要求宠物适应社会环境,宠物本能的生理及生活需要导致宠物美容是使其适应社会环境的必要途径。例如运动犬类、工作犬类以及部分猎犬类(可卡的断尾)的美容护理。
第三 人为原因是蹙就宠物业的发展的必要因素,随着生产力的提高人们不仅仅局限于物质生活的需要,伴随社会文化的深入人们开始追求精神文化生活,从而给以宠物以美观形象设计产生了宠物美容业。例如玩赏犬类、梗犬类以及非运动犬类的美容护理。 |