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发表于 2006-1-31 04:27:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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German Rottweiler or American Rottweiler  
If you own a Rottweiler you've probably been asked (on more than one occasion), "Is your Rottweiler a German Rottweiler or American Rottweiler?" When I was first asked the question I was a bit baffled because I thought that there was only one kind of Rottweiler. Then the all knowing individual I was speaking to proceeded to explain to me that German Rotties were shorter, stockier and have a bigger blockier head, and American Rotties were taller and leggier without as blocky a head. (Of course, there are several variations to this mythology - American Rotties have bigger ears, German Rotties have bigger teeth, you name it someone's probably said it.)

Wow! I thought I'd really learned something that day. Well, I guessed Jericho must be a German Rottie because he had a really blocky head, and Sherman must be an American Rottweiler because he has pretty long legs. Now after hanging out in the Rottweiler community and discussing this issue with some friends who have been in Rotties for 20 years, it turns out my first impression was right. There aren't any distinctive types of Rottweilers, and only one factor determines whether a Rottweiler is 'American' or 'German' - their place of birth. Rottweilers born in America are American Rottweilers just as people born in America are called Americans. Dogs born in Germany are German Rottweilers. Earth shattering, mind boggling stuff, huh? How can that be, you ask?

Here's how. The breed standard that the American Kennel Club (AKC) has established for Rottweilers is extremely similar (almost identical) to that of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler-Klub (ADRK aka the Rottweiler Club of Germany). The only inconsistency between the two standards is the height allowance. The AKC's standard is a few centimeters different than that set by the ADRK.

The major difference between dogs bred in the US and those produced in Germany results from the fact that the ADRK is very selective about which dogs are *allowed* to reproduce, i.e. dogs have to pass certain physical and temperamental requirements before the owners can breed them. Although ethical American breeders follow similar guidelines, the vast majority of people who breed Rottweilers are high risk breeders who are either ignorant of the fact that a breed standard exists or simply do not care whether or not their dog falls within the standard. The indiscriminant breeding by these Americans produces Rottweilers who do not conform to the standard and who are highly inferior to those bred by American Code of Ethics breeders and especially German ADRK members.

While ethical breeders from each country probably have certain traits or aspects of their dogs that they prefer to enhance through breeding, the similarity of the breed standards for each country keeps these breeders in check and demands that they breed dogs who are within the standards established for the breed. If one were to take a Rottweiler born to an American Code of Ethics breeder and put it side by side with a Rottweiler born in Germany to an ADRK breeder, most people would be unable to tell which dog was born in Germany and which dog was born in America. Unless, of course, the dogs were facing away from the observer, then one could quickly determine which dog was born in Germany because tail docking is now banned in most European countries.

In summation while there are individuals in several countries who breed Rottweilers there is still only one breed or type of Rottweiler and that dog is called a Rottweiler. So the next time you take your Rottweiler for a walk around the block, and someone asks you if your dog is American or German, you can reply with confidence that your dog is ________ (fill in country of birth) because your dog was born in _________, or you can really throw 'em for a loop like I do when I tell them my dog is a Texas Rottweiler. :)
发表于 2006-1-31 07:37:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-2-18 20:37:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-2-19 16:04:37 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-6-18 16:20:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-5 22:55:13 | 显示全部楼层
:Smilies52 :Smilies52 :Smilies52
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发表于 2009-2-12 17:06:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-26 21:48:31 | 显示全部楼层
转载都不会转载   就不能转载点中文啊   洋文 你发给洋鬼子看吗
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发表于 2009-4-6 18:24:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-12 20:40:31 | 显示全部楼层
:Smilies18 :Smilies18 :Smilies18 :Smilies18
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发表于 2009-5-5 15:28:33 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-28 12:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


如果您有自己的罗威纳你可能被要求(不止一次) , “你罗威纳德国罗威纳或美国罗威纳? ”当我第一次问这个问题我有点困惑,因为我认为,只有一种罗威纳。然后,所有个人,我知道说话接着向我解释说,德国Rotties短, stockier和有更大的blockier头,美国Rotties的身高和leggier不作为块状头部。 (当然,有一些变化,以这个神话-美国Rotties有较大的耳朵,德国Rotties有较大的牙齿,你的名字是,有些用户可能会说。 )

哇!我想真正学到东西那一天。嗯,我猜到了杰里科必须是德国Rottie因为他真的块状头,谢尔曼必须是美国罗威纳因为他有很长的腿。现在,后悬挂在罗威纳社会和讨论这一问题和一些朋友谁一直在Rotties 20年,现在我的第一印象是正确的。没有任何独特类型的Rottweilers ,只有一个因素决定是否罗威纳是'美'或'德国' -他们的出生地点。 Rottweilers出生在美国的美洲Rottweilers就像在美国出生的人被称为美国人。狗出生在德国的德国Rottweilers 。地球打破,到令人难以置信的东西,嗯?这怎么可能是,你要问?

以下是如何。品种标准,美国养犬俱乐部( AKC )已设立的Rottweilers极其相似(几乎相同)的,在全德罗威纳,俱乐部( ADRK又名罗威纳俱乐部的德国) 。唯一矛盾的两个标准是高度津贴。在AKC的标准是不同的几厘米比所定ADRK 。



总之虽然有个人在几个国家谁品种Rottweilers仍然只有一个品种或类型的罗威纳狗,并称为罗威纳。所以,下次你把你的罗威纳散步块左右,有人问你,如果你的狗是美国或德国,你可以有信心地回答说,您的狗是________ (填写的出生国) ,因为您的狗出生于_________,或者您可以真正扔'时间为一个循环时,我想我告诉他们我的狗是德州罗威纳
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