楼主 |
发表于 2008-12-29 09:52:20
Wiston Cap Type
韦斯顿 盖普 类型
This type developed from J.M. Wilson’s dog, Cap, through Jock Richardson’s outstanding trial and stud dog, Wiston Cap. Also rough coated, these dogs tend to be larger, with big, blocky heads and much more white trim – collars, chests, forelegs,etc. They typically h**e tremendous natural outruns and biddable natures.
这个类型的狗是由J.M. Wilson的叫Cap的狗与Jock Richardson的出名的竞技犬及种犬 Wiston Cap发展下来的。这种类型狗也是长毛的,体型倾向于往大的方向发展,拥有又大又宽的头脸,脖子、胸部、前腿有更多的白色毛。这种类型狗的典型特点是拥有巨大的放牧本能和服从性。