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There are two methods utilized to diagnose bladder stones. During an examination we can sometimes palpate a stone by gently rolling the tortoise back and forth while we feel in the soft spot by its rear leg. To perform the palpation technique you need to understand tortoise anatomy and be experienced at palpation.
有两种方法可以去诊断结石, 有的时候在检查中可以触诊到石头,我们可以轻轻的前后滚动着龟,同一时间 可以感觉到他后腿的一处软软的地方,使用这种方法,你须懂得陆龟解刨学,或是一个诊断专家。
Not every stone can be found on palpation. The other method to make a diagnosis, and usually more reliable method, is to take an x-ray. Even though the stone in this x-ray is large, this is not an unusual finding. Some of the stones are so large that we have to break them into pieces to get them out of the opening in the shell.
不是每个石头都可以在初步诊断里发现。 另一种诊断的办法,一般来说是更可靠的。 那就是用x光。不论石头的有多大,都不会找不到的, 有些大到一定程度的石头 需要我们去把它弄成小块后,才可以从壳里取出来。
Surgical Procedure
The usual treatment for a bladder stone in tortoises is to perform surgery. In this surgery we literally cut a hole in the bottom of the shell and remove the stone from the bladder. Most tortoises do fine postoperatively, and after a few days in the hospital and a few weeks of recuperation at home, they are back to normal.
The following area contains graphic pictures of an actual surgical procedure performed at the hospital. It may not be suitable for some children (and some adults also!).
Prior to surgery our patient is prepared to minimize anesthetic risk. In some patients we place a feeding tube to insure adequate hydration and nutrition, both before and after the surgery. In other patients we insert an intravenous catheter (IV) to maintain blood pressure during surgery.
This tortoise has an IV catheter in its jugulare vein. We use this vein because it is relatively easy to insert the catheter and it is large enough to take the volume of fluid we need to give.
在手术前,先要减少麻醉的危机,有些患者 我们会放一个喂养管去给予足够的营养与水分, 在手术前与手术后都需要去完成。
After the tortoise is anesthetized the bottom of the shell (called the plastron) is cleansed thoroughly. This may take several scrubbings with the use of a gentle brush to get clean enough for surgery. The black rectangle outlines where the shell will eventually be cut to gain access to the bladder.
As in any surgery we perform controlling infection is critical. We use a specific draping technique to minimize the chance of infection. Infection is especially critical in this surgery because once the cut piece of shell is resealed to the bottom of the shell, an infection can fester on the inside without our knowing about it.
The rest of the surgical team is preparing at the same time. These assistants are students in our externship program. They will be assisting the surgeon with flushing and suctioning of fluids, along with the administration of anesthesia.
Dr. Ridgeway starts his cut with his safety glasses on to protect him from particles brought on by the drill used to cut into the shell.
A sterilized dremel is used to cut through the shell. The blade spins at a high speed so sterile water needs to be constantly applied to the cut surface to minimize burning. The blade cuts at an angle facilitating replacement of the shell when the surgery is complete. If this angled cut is not made, the shell will just fall back into the abdominal cavity (it is called the coelomic cavity in a reptile) and the incision site will never heal.
When the shell has been cut in a rectangular piece it is gently pried up with an instrument called an elevator. There are muscular attachments that are gently separated from the shell to allow the shell to become completely free. The cut shell is living tissue and needs careful handling. After it is removed it is kept moist with sterile saline until it is replaced at the end of the surgery.
The next layer encountered is the lining of the coelomic cavity. It is gently cut to give full exposure to the organs in the cavity. The reddish areas are the muscular attachments to the piece of shell that was removed.
Internal organs can be visualized easily through this large opening. These are loops of intestines.
The bladder is gently exteriorized through the hole in the shell. Dr. Ridgeway has made an incision into the bladder and the stone is starting to bulge out.
Here is the culprit as it is being removed from the bladder.
The bladder is usually filled with a sludge like material. If the sludge is not removed healing will be delayed and the potential for recurrence of the stone increases. The larger clumps of sludge are removed with a special instrument called an angle spoon. This high tech instrument is made special in our lab by taking a regular tablespoon and bending it.
The smaller pieces are suctioned after the bladder has been flushed. This usually takes many flushings with sterile saline. Only when the bladder has been thoroughly flushed is it sutured back together.
A special suture material is used to close the opening in the bladder. This suture is very strong yet causes minimal tissue reaction, and will slowly dissolve over several months.
The coelomic cavity is also flushed copiously with warm sterile saline, then the fluid is suctioned out. This process helps prevent an infection and aids in the healing process. If an infection is sealed into the coelomic cavity the outcome could be catastrophic.
The incision made in the tissue lining the cavity is sutured next, using the same type of suture material as the bladder. The muscular attachments to the cut piece of shell will gradually reestablish themselves to the underside of the cut piece.
While all of this was going on the piece of shell that was removed at the beginning of the surgery was kept moist by wrapping it with sterile gauze soaked with saline. Doctor R is removing the gauze before putting the cut piece of shell back in place.
Now the fun of putting the shell back together begins. The previously removed piece of shell is put back into position and a piece of fiberglass is measured and cut so that it just covers the cut piece of shell.
A special quick drying epoxy is poured on the shell. Once this epoxy hardens it can not be removed or reshaped, so we have to move fast.
It is spread evenly over the cut piece by two assistants. When it gets tacky we are ready for the next step.
The fiberglass piece is placed over the sticky epoxy and another layer of epoxy is poured over the fiberglass and rapidly smoothed over the fiberglass.
The epoxy becomes firm within a few minutes. During this time it is important that the tortoise does not wake up or breathe deeply because the pressure in the lungs will push the patch out.
Cellophane is put over the patch as it dries for cleanliness and protection purposes
Here is our friend just waking up from anesthesia. At this point we will give her a pain injection and place her in a special room that maintains a temperature of 85 degrees. She will stay in the hospital for a few days until she is eating and active.