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[饲养常识] [知识堂] 做狗狗的老大

发表于 2013-11-24 12:53:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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在与宠物的生活互动中, 掌有领导主控权, 才能让你的狗狗服从, 让你成为真正的主人跟一个成功的饲主, 接下來的”谁才是老大”法则, 点出几个与宠物共同生活中的重要原则:

Leaders go first. Make your dog wait at every door and gate (including the car) until you allow the dog to go thru it. Make sure YOU go out the door first. Use the word "wait" and then a release word.

“走在前面的才是老大!”. 只有主人才可以走在前方, 在通过每一道门(包括车门)之前, 使用”等待”的指令, 要求你的狗狗先在原地等待, 主人自己务必先通过那道门, 通过之后, 再使用解除等待的相反指令, 让狗在得到你的允许后才让他跟着通过. (让狗狗比你先走, 那他就是老大, 身为饲主的你, 对狗狗来说不过是个跟班的)

Leaders eat first. You and your family eat first, then you feed the dog. BUT not at the table.

“先吃的才是老大!” 只有主人才可以先享用食物. 让你跟你的家人先吃完, 之后再來喂狗, 當然, 千万不要在桌上喂食. (让狗狗比你先吃, 那他就是老大, 身为饲主的你, 对狗狗来说不过是個佣人)

Leaders control food. If the dog gets to eat anytime he likes, he's the leader-he is The Alpha. No self-feeding.

“控制食物的才是老大!” 如果狗狗在任何时间如果想吃就吃得到, 那么可以控制食物的错觉会让它误会以为自己就是老大. 所以, 绝不让狗狗能自由取用食物!

Leaders get the best spots. Do not let the dog on your funiture. Including your bed. He can come only if you invite him. Once or twice a week is plenty, until he knows his place.

"老大才能待在最棒的地方" 別让狗狗爬上你的床或其他家具. 它只有在你允许时才可以这么做, 而一周顶多让它这么做一两次就很够了.

Leader has the highest place to sit or lay down. When you have a problems with your dog do not let him be higher then you are. Do not sit on the floor and your dog is lounging on your sofa. Wrong! Let him be on the floor next to your leg and you sit on the sofa.

"老大才能坐或躺在至高点!" 当你和你的狗狗相处间有服从问题时, 绝对不要让狗坐在比你高的位子上. 不要让你的狗傭懶地躺在沙发上而你却坐在地板上. 這是大错特错的行为! 应该你坐在沙发上而让他待在地板上紧靠住你的腿的位置.

Leader can go wherever he wants and the dog must get out of his way. There should not be ANY resistance on his part. He should move away quickly, if not just run right into him.

Leader can go wherever he wants and the dog must get out of his way. There should not be ANY resistance on his part. He should move away quickly, if not just run right into him.

“好狗不当路!” 真正的老大可以随心所欲的去他要去的地方, 而狗狗绝对不可以当到他的路. 绝对不可让狗狗有任何反抗, 若档到主人的路, 他应该要迅速的闪边去, 如果狗狗不闪边去, 那就对着他冲过去 (吓走它), 哪怕不小心踩到它, 也不需要道歉, 挡老大的路是它活该。

Leaders get to see tummies and genitals. Submissive gesture for dog is to expose his stomach and genitals to Alpha dog. You can use a tummy rub for that purpose.

"老大才能看我的肚肚" 狗狗会以翻躺露出其腹部对老大表示服从. 当老大的你, 可以以抚摩它的腹部来回应它的服从

Leaders stand tall. When playing make sure you put your hand (paw) or head on your dogs back or put your chin on his head, do not let him do same to you. If your dog is misbehaving ...stand up... be tall. Do not bend over.

”老大就是比你高” 蹲下与狗狗玩耍时, 可以将你的手或头放在他的背上, 或是把你的下颚放在他头上, 但绝对不要让他对你这么作. 如果狗狗有这种不当的意图, 马上站起來, 站得高高的, 千万別弯腰!!!

Leader can stare If you look at your dog do not avert your eyes first - wait till he does. Check on this, you will be amazed how many times you look at your dog and how quickly you avert your eyes not even thinking about it.

“瞪贏的就是老大” 当注视狗狗时, 不要比他先移开视线, 要等到他自己先移开视线才行. 先移开视线的, 就会被看在眼里啦! (回想一下, 你会很惊讶的发现, 自己有多少次在想都没想下就很快的先移开视线…)

Leader can take the toys and keep them.

老大可以把玩具拿走并保有它 (回想一下, 有多少次狗狗从你身边手上把玩具抢走玩起来!!??)

Leader does not chase members of his pack Do not chase your dog; rather let him run after you.

“老大不会跑在后面追” 別在你的狗狗后面追赶, 宁愿让它来追你!

Leader is fair and benevolent, not cruel.

老大是公平且慈善的, 并不残酷(不要过度惩罚)

Leader =Alpha inspires security, confidence and happiness in souls of his pack members.

老大是可靠的, 有自信的, 并且拥有幸福的灵魂!(主人要权而不威,专而不擅)

[ 本帖最后由 POCO宠物 于 2013-11-24 12:55 编辑 ]
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